Sunday, October 21, 2007

k5n calendar Update

As a requirement set for by fellow teammate each member was to take a screenshot of the calendar program working on there computer. I had some trouble at first because I was using java 1.5 but once I switch to java 1.6 everything was working.

In addition we needed to make 10 requirements for our team to accomplish on the k5n calendar they can be found at"

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Big Project Brain Storming

For the Large Group Project I am thinking about the idea of possibly creating a Java Calendar Application that allows synchronization with Google Calendar. While researching the feasibility of such an application, I can across several projects that would make this project easier. One of which is Google Calendar API. This would allow for an easy way to interface with google's calendar. And another which looks to have done significant work in creating java code to replicate the ical storage of calendar is Java Calendar Tools

I think we could either help k5n with there Java Calendar Tools or use there tools along with Google Calendar API to create a stand alone java calendar application

Tuesday, September 4, 2007